
萨达姆前死敌Ali Al-Sarraf 说:那时,我们还有个国家。我们还可以从战败后的废墟中慢慢重建家园。国家还有健全的机构,有医院,学校..... 现在我们没有国家了....在伊拉克境内外300万伊拉克难民在饥寒中呼号.....
A Letter of apology to a more than wonderful dictator
Ali Al-Sarraf
Writing to you at any other time, it could be the subject of misunderstandings. But since you are absent, no one can accuse me of trying to get a "coupon oil" or a Mercedes than those you used to ship to every Kuwaiti who praises you.
In fact, when you were showered praise, poems and songs, and when your mere appearance would constitute an occasion for joy and celebration, I was one of your rivals. And you do not underestimated Bsiasatk repressive policy alone, but I would also mock the contorted language that you use to express your ideas, which were "intellectuals" Iraqis of your employees they regard as the top genius. Everything in you increased my reservation and fear. You see the authority, not the project. Arrogance, not in meaning, the individual not the group, and of course . Cruelty and violence, not vividness and power. Having made the differences between Iraq and Pink difficult, the gap widened until I became, like many, expatriates before fleeing to look for another, less brutal.
Having left Iraq since becoming president. I'd say, jokingly, that this country can not unite together. Either me or you. And I was still young, more stupid than mature. The more ignorant than knowledgeable. Of course, you'd have to say "... Who are you?"
Only now I feel how such words were harsh and horrible .. Now I timidly say "... who am I?".
If your in my savage in its violence, but the nature of the Nazi and action, too, if you take into account the comprehensiveness, superficiality and arrogance. Every feature of "despotism" that was not apparent in your authority .. And the large crowd of semi-literate, who were huddled around, it was impossible for even good things you did, which is not a few, to preserve their value or turn into something we can build on it.
So easy to say that those people are the reason for referral to despotic Pharaoh, or they are the ones who are responsible for the mistakes committed in this regard or another. But that does not exempt you from responsibility for them. Because you assume that "the loyal people" must be closer to you "people of experience." I have no doubt that you know well now that the stupidity and absurdity of the "peoples of loyalty" is the last useful thing for preserving the power or to achieve any goal. They are like poisoned honey, delicious in taste, devastating in its consequences. While it can for the "expert" to be a healing bitter medicine, you may say bitter words, but their criticism is constructive.
However, I, and I see an Iraq that the seventies and eighties of this high time, I realize that you were building high. You have a vision of what should be in the future Iraq. I feel that you were more Iraqi than millions of Iraqis. Severity of your system prevented to see what you saw, perhaps, but you go ahead.
When your forces oppressed the Kurds, took up arms to stand on their side. Fortunately, it was my weapon is the main pen. As for my arm the other "seven shots with a pistol," it was far from being a threat to any one, more than the risk to myself. I wanted to use it to commit suicide, so that I would fall into the hands of your agencies of informers. Since I was an earlier victim of torture at the hands of one of those devices, I was, and still realize that a hundred times more merciful death from torture. I often ask:
Is it necessary to be cruel to that degree?
Would you sacrifice all those human beings in order to establish another Iraq exists in your mind?
Was it true that establish a totalitarian regime is the people breath?
We can give a philosophical answer. And our answers are often unequivocal and decisive.
Today, it is high devastation plaguing Iraq, there is no answer fit to be an answer.
Doubt, and confusion filled with feelings of shame, is the only answer.
Perhaps we deserve everything you do.
When you look today to the thieves who have inherited your authority, and the traitors who straddled the tank ride on the invasion of Iraq has emerged, and the sectarians who are killing people wholesale, and the criminals who engage in acts of torture, not to notify you ask any "garbage disposal" "sink" out of all these monsters and maimed?
Then, not to notify each exhibitions of conscience to ask, of any shame all these came Swindlers; of any forest left to loot and destroy what was supposed to be their own country?
Is there any honor in saying "I was an opponent."
Look at them, and you'll see they are the shame by itself.